7. Open Disclosure

  • When things don’t go well in healthcare, you can expect to have an open and honest conversation with the health service about what has happened. The term for this is Open Disclosure. Australia’s health system has set up a framework and policies about how this occurs – you might want to check the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care website for more information.
  • In essence, the chart below highlights what the process should look like. However, the reality is that Open Disclosure may not happen exactly as per this diagram, or not at all. You may not even necessarily be aware that the conversation you have had with a service provider is an Open Disclosure conversation.
  • If you are unsure and need assistance, you can contact our Advocacy Team on 9221 3422 for assistance. Please be aware that there is currently a 6-8 week wait before your Advocate may be able to contact you to commence supporting you through the process.