Working with Consumers

HCC provides a range of support services for health providers who are seeking to increase consumer engagement in health service policy, planning and review.

We are always available to have a chat about your project or plans, however some of our services may attract a fee. Please contact us on if you’d like to discuss this further.

Health Service Consulting

Our consulting services support consumer-focused organisations with the design and development of innovative, contemporary approaches to consumer and community partnerships and involvement. With a people-first approach and a consumer/lived experience lens at the heart of everything we do, our work helps health organisations and staff feel more confident to work with consumers in a meaningful way.

Promoting a Consumer Representative Opportunity

If you are looking for consumers for your committee or project, we may be able to assist you by promoting the opportunity through our networks.

Please download this document and return the requested information to

You may also wish to read about some things to consider when involving and partnering with consumers on working groups or committees.

Training for Consumers

We provide free Introduction to Consumer Representation training for health consumers who are interested in becoming a consumer representative.

You can find out more about this training and view upcoming dates here.

We can also run this training on a bespoke basis for your consumer advisory group – find out more here.

Cultural Diversity

We offer a range of free and fee for service workshops to assist health workers gain knowledge and skills to communicate and engage more effectively with people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD), ethnoculturally and linguistically diverse (ELD), and new and emerging communities. Click here to find out more.

For further information

Please contact the Health Consumers Council Engagement team on 9221 3422 or email