My Health Record Opt Out Period

You have from 16th July until 16th October to opt out…

Did you know that by the end of 2018, an online summary of your health information “My Health Record” will be created for every Australian?

If you don’t want to have a My Health Record, you need to take action by 15th October and opt out.

There are a range of ways to support you to opt out, and these will come on line by 16th July. You can sign up on this web page for updates as they are released.

Why have a My Health Record?

In simple terms, a My Health Record connects the dots between, for example, your GP and your hospital care. Over the last several years, WA Health services have been working on linking your hospital discharge summary to a My Health Record. So when your discharge summary is created, it looks for a match with a My Health Record and if there one, it will connect the two. Your GP will then be able to see the discharge summary, and so will you. Getting a My Health Record will mean important information like this will be at your fingertips 24/7. This will result in faster and safer care for you and your family.

Do you have any allergies???

Patients often wonder why they have to keep repeating tests and explaining allergies over and over again. but currently, we have on way of easily sharing that information across our systems. A My Health Record will help with this.

Across Australia

Having a My Health Record will mean your important patient information follows you no matter where you travel in Australia.

Advanced Care Plan

You can also upload your Advanced Care Plan if you have one, on your My Health Record.

Whose records?

In our Advocacy service we often encounter people needing assistance in accessing their medical records. This will, over time, be a thing of the past, where people can maintain control over their own health information via the My Health Record. This is vital when seeking follow-up treatment, understanding our own health care and knowing what has happened to us.

What about privacy?

This is a huge consideration, and many will know that the My Health Record, which used to be called the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record, has been in the planning stages for many years, in part because of the important considerations of protecting privacy. If you are really concerned, you can opt out.

Extra privacy protections

One of the new features of the My Health Record will be the ability to set it up so that you get a text if someone accesses your health record. This is not something our current paper based medical records provide. You will also be able to control certain aspects of it yourself.

To find out more please ensure you, your family and friends go to the government website for information and updates.